Biology 446  Unsolved Problems  Fall 2007   Albert Harris


Hic labor, hic opus est. Fancy Latin quote

The problem is how to kill all cancer cells, selectively, without killing too many normal cells.

1 key fact: Almost all differentiated cell types in humans, and all cell types that can become cancerous, already contain a (hair-trigger!) self-destruct system of caspase enzymes in their cytoplasm, which can either activate each other, or be activated by special trans-membrane proteins.
These cause the special kind of cell death called apoptosis. Many of the drugs now used may really work by activating apoptosis. New drugs may be invented that deliberately set off apoptosis

Second key fact: T lymphocytes fight virus diseases by inducing apoptosis in virus-infected cells, which they detect by virus-coded peptides (short amino acid sequences) that are held outside the cell by type I histocompatibility antigens. If you could cause just cancer cells to produce such peptides!!

Third key fact. Part of apoptosis is the release of contents of mitochondria, including reactive chemicals and enzymes, such as cytochrome C and super-oxides.

THEREFORE, an anti-cancer drug does not need to kill cancer cells directly; it would be enough either to set off apoptosis (in cancer cells), or to cause over-active oncogenes to cause release of peptides with enough similarity to a virus protein, against which the patient has been immunized, or to puncture mitochondria. The problem is specificity! Doing these things only in the cancer cells.

These three approaches are pretty obvious, once you think of them, but have not yet been tried.

Newspapers write about "anti-cancer vaccines", but what they mean is vaccines against papilloma viruses. These viruses cause about 5% of human cancers; but the vaccine is against the virus.
Vaccines against cancer cells would not be possible unless they produce, or can be caused to produce, some peptide that is never normally produced by any human cell; otherwise, you are "self-tolerant".

* Imagine an oncogene that codes for an enzyme. Next imagine a drug that consists of a peptide (with a sequence found in some virus) covalently bound to something that permits the peptide to penetrate into cells, and prevents it from binding to histocompatibility antigens, but which gets separated by the oncogene enzyme. Such a drugs would cause T-cell-induced apoptosis just in those cells with an enzyme that cleaves off the antigenic peptide. You get the idea!

Unfortunately, enzymes coded for by oncogenes are ATPases and GTPases rather than proteases; but you get the idea. Design a drug that oncogenic proteins convert into something that either activates kinases or that T-cells will react to as they react to viral peptides.

The proteins encoded by oncogenes include: .

    A) Growth factors
    B) Receptors for growth factors
    C) Underactive GTPases
    D) Overactive ATP Kinases, especially tyrosine kinases
    E) Proteins that control checkpoints, either for the start of DNA synthesis or for continuation of mitosis (for example by detecting damage to DNA, or detecting whether forces are balanced on kinetochores)
    F) The Transcription factor myc
    G) bcl-2, a protein which inhibits to onset of apoptosis.

Therefore, invent chemicals that oncogene proteins will cause to 1) activate caspases 2) release virus-like peptides, or 3) cause leakage through inner mitochondrial membranes! How hard can that be?

It can't be any harder than Russian verbs of motion, Latin "sequence of tenses", or organic chemistry.

Remission is neither understood nor the subject of much (if any?) research.
This is another misguided example of "not looking a gift horse in the mouth".
It is very common for cancer patients to undergo chemotherapy, have their tumors shrink and go away or disappear for several years, but then come back. Such a cancer is said to be "in remission"
Nobody has any good ideas how to think about this phenomenon. Understanding it would surely suggest new kinds of treatment designed to lengthen remissions, or make them more permanent.
Were the remaining cancer cells somehow "in hibernation"? Were they injured, and took several years to recover? Was the immune system repressing them, but then they overcame the repression? Are the returned cancer cells mutant versions of the originals? As a rule, the returned cancer is no longer sensitive to whatever chemotherapy drug put them into remission! That must mean something. Maybe it means they are mutants? But what was repressing them during the remission? The person was no longer getting chemotherapy then. What experiments or other tests or observations could be most useful, for example comparing 100 patients who were having long remissions as compared with another 100 patients during short remissions? Science is often held back by the lack of ideas more than by lack of data. What data would be the most help in understanding remission?

Please invent three kinds of hypothesis. Then figure out what each hypothesis predicts, or what would disprove it. What new treatments might be able to "hold" cancers in their state of remission?

Arthur Pardee invented an ingenious theory , that the specificity of DNA-damaging and microtubule damaging chemotherapy may result from the greater ability of non-cancerous cells to protect themselves from these drugs by halting or slowing down the cell cycle while the drug is around.
This would explain how even rather slow-growing cancers can be killed at higher percentages than normally fast growing cells of the bone marrow, skin and intestine. Can you invent some new kinds of treatment based on Pardee's hypothesis? What about some drug deliberately designed to inhibit the cell cycle of normal cells (thereby further protecting them from being damaged by the chemotherapy drugs). Larger than usual doses of cytoxan or other standard chemotherapy drugs could be given in combination with this newly-invented inhibitory drug.

There also might be an opposite way of improving chemotherapy, based on Pardee's idea.
Look for a drug or other treatment that selectively speeds up the growth and division of cancer cells (i.e. more than it speeds up the growth of normal cells). Again, this drug could be given in combination with cytoxan or some other now-standard drug, and make it more effective by making the cancer cells grow faster, and therefore be more damaged by the cytoxan.

The famous targeted drug "Gleevec" was found using an odd bioassay. Instead of testing whether different chemicals would inhibit the enzymatic action of an abnormal tyrosine kinase, they found a monoclonal antibody whose binding site exactly fit the active site of this enzyme, and then tested the relative ability of different synthetic chemicals to inhibit the binding of this antibody to the enzyme.

Nobody was surprised (but they ought to have been!) that Gleevec killed the cancer cells, rather than just slowing down their growth. Remember, it's blocking an abnormal enzyme that they are not supposed to have anyway. This drug caused remissions of a certain kind of leukemia in a very high percentage pf patients for two or three years, after which the leukemia returned and killed the patients. In some cases, further remissions were caused by synthetic chemicals with shapes similar to Gleevec, but slightly different.
Paradoxes are what breakthroughs look like before you figure out their true explanation.

Abnormally anaerobic metabolism is such a common property of many cancers that some of the best researchers once believed that some defect in mitochondria might be the actual cause of cancer. That idea is surely wrong, and the mitochondrial abnormalities must be some kind of secondary or tertiary side effect of over-active oncogenes. Nevertheless, new kinds of chemotherapy might be invented to take advantage of anaerobic metabolism to induce apoptosis, especially because of the normal occurrence of broken-open mitochondria in apoptosis. A major part of the function of the bcl-2 protein is to inhibit release of mitochondrial contents, and there are a family of closely similar proteins that have the opposite effect. You might invent some new kind of drug that selectively damages mitochondria when they or the cytoplasm become abnormally acidic, or that prevents bcl-2 from protecting them, or that magnifies the effect of bax in promoting apoptosis. Enzyme catalysis is often very sensitive to pH, and you might figure out some way to take advantage of that, with some activator of caspases that acts only below some threshold pH. You can probably think of some better ideas.

In my opinion, all these suggestions are more likely to work than the popular idea of inhibiting blood vessel formation. At best, that could only kill the interior or tumors, would require permanent treatment, would inhibit wound healing, and has zero chance of helping leukemia or lymphomas (or chondromas, since cartilage isn't vascularized) But enormous amounts of money have been invested in that idea. You can do better.

For some reason, most people have been assuming that when the oncogenes are well enough understood, then that knowledge will make it obvious how to design better chemotherapy drugs.

Furthermore, drugs like Gleevec that have been designed in this way were meant to block the abnormally active enzyme, instead of being designed to kill any cell in which an oncogene is over-active. This paradox is further increased by the fact that Gleevec (somehow!) does cause the death of the cells that had the over-active kinase.

When I have read papers and letters by scientists living just before major breakthroughs were made, they often seem as if they were sleepwalking, and just couldn't see what should have been obvious.



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