Textbook: A Photographic Atlas of Developmental Biology, Shirley J. Wright
Lectures Mon-Wed-Fri 9-9:50, 104 Peabody Hall
Albert Harris: akharris@med.unc.edu; please cc: to chlamy@duke.edu
Office room 403 Fordham Hall, phone 966-1230
Office Hours: by prior arrangement
Home phone 493-1572 (Durham)
Corey Johnson: corey_johnson@med.unc.edu, phone 724-5429
Office Hours: 10-12 MWF, in 138 Wilson
1) Wed. Jan 11 | What happens in development; fertilization, cleavage, differentiation, rearrangements | web page |
2) Fri. Jan. 13 | Compare embryology of sea urchin, frog, bird & mammal; similarities & differences | web page |
Mon. Jan 16 | Holiday in honor of Rev Martin Luther King jr. | |
3) Wed. Jan. 18 | Continue comparison of sea urchin, frog, bird & mammal; gastrulation and neurulation | web page |
4) Fri. Jan. 20 | Differentiation and Symmetry | differentiation, symmetry |
5) Mon. Jan. 23 | Tensors | web page |
6) Wed. Jan. 25 | Historical background of embryological thought and study | web page |
7) Fri. Jan. 27 | Experimental embryology: mosaic vs. regulative development | web page |
8) Mon. Jan. 30 | Advanced unicellular/primitive multicellular organisms; what they tell us about embryology | web page |
9) Wed. Feb. 1 | Fertilization | web page |
10) Fri. Feb. 3 | Cleavage | web page |
11) Mon. Feb. 6 | First Exam | Review questions |
12) Wed. Feb. 8 | Induction and Gastrulation | web page |
13) Fri. Feb. 10 | Induction and Gastrulation, continued | web page |
14) Mon Feb. 13 | Avian/mammalian gastrulation and fish development | web page |
15) Wed Feb. 15 | Neurulation and axial structures I | web page |
16) Fri Feb. 17 | Neurulation and axial structures II | web page |
17) Mon Feb. 20 | Mesoderm | web page |
18) Wed Feb. 22 | Extraembryonic membranes | web page |
19) Fri. Feb. 24 | Pattern formation | web page |
20) Mon. Feb. 27 | Heart development | web page |
21) Wed. Mar. 1 | Second Exam | review questions |
22) Fri. Mar. 3 | Endoderm: Digestive and Respiratory Systems | web page |
23) Mon. Mar. 6 | Head and neck development I | web page |
24) Wed. Mar. 8 | Head and neck development II | web page |
25) Fri. Mar. 10 | Neural Crest | web page |
Spring vacation March 13-17 | ||
26) Mon . Mar. 20 | Research and theories about how cells and collagen sometimes get arranged into anatomical patterns | web page |
27) Wed. Mar. 22 | Ectodermal Derivatives: Hair, feathers, scales | web page |
28) Fri. Mar. 24 | Stomodeum, teeth | web page |
29) Mon. Mar. 27 | Ectodermal placodes of the head: olfactory placode, lens, inner ear | see web page for March 24 |
30) Wed. Mar. 29 | Visual system development: neuronal targeting | |
31) Fri. Mar. 31 | Limb development I | |
32) Mon. Apr. 2 | Limb development II | |
33) Wed. Apr. 5 | Urogenital system | |
34) Fri. Apr. 7 | Sex determination | |
35) Mon. Apr. 10 | Third Exam | |
36) Wed. Apr. 12 | Regeneration | |
Friday April 14 | Holiday | |
37) Mon. Apr. 17 | Metamorphosis | |
38 Wed. Apr. 19 | Cancer | |
39) Fri. Apr. 21 | Cellular automata | |
40) Mon. Apr. 24 | Cell sorting | |
41) Wed. Apr. 26 | Plant development | |
42) Fri. Apr. 28 | Evo-Devo | |
Monday May 1 | 8:00 AM Final Exam |