Embryology - Biology 104, Spring 2006 - Albert Harris and Corey Johnson
TWENTY-SECOND LECTURE - March 10, 2006, by Corey JohnsonNeural Crest I
The neural crest cells are derived from the cells at the border of the neural plate and the surface ectoderm. See Figure 8.1 in your book. Both of these tissues contribute to the neural crest.
2) Dispersion 3) Cessation of migration
Dispersion/Migration depends upon interactions between the neural crest and the extracellular matrix. Integrins on the surface of NC cells interact with extracellular matrix. Are cell completely dependant upon their environment for guidance, or do they have some sense of where to go (preprogramming) and merely rely on the environment for regional cues? As is often the case, popular thought suggests that NC cell migration depends upon a combination of matrix-directed migration and preprogramming of NC cells. Depending on the A-P origin of the crest, some cells appear to favor one mechanism over another.
The control of the migratory path is proposed to follow one or both of the following mechanisms:
2) Contact guidance: Physical features within the embryo, such as blood vessels and nerve axons could act as migratory substrata by providing a means of orientation for the migrating cell.
When cells find their destination, proliferation takes place. There is evidence that premigratory neural crest is already specified (or at least restricted) to become (or to not become) certain cell types. This is not true of all regions of neural crest in all species.
2) In culture, single cells will give rise to a certain type(s) of cells, while another NC cell will give rise to different cells. Despite preprogramming of some NC cells, "Environmental" factors promote differentiation. The end of the migratory route often influences the differentiation of the neural crest. The brain induces the NC to form cranial bones, etc. It's not clear (in my mind) if the differentiation is somehow enhanced, or confirmed by the destination structure, or if they can actually impart identity upon cells.
Restriction (a concept we introduced in the first lecture) of NC cells appears to explain the choices that cells make in the course of their fate specification. Some NC cells are incapable of becoming a different cell type: Regionalization of Neural Crest The neural crest is not the same all over the body. For example, it is clear that some NC will form cartilage in the head, while there is no such derivative in the trunk. Likewise, NC forms sympathetic ganglia in the trunk but not in the head. The question arises, are the differences a result of preprogramming (fate) or do the NC in the trunk fail to form cartilage because they don't receive the proper environmental cues? Cranial Neural Crest: Researchers have found that ablation of migratory neural crest can often result in normal embryos! They thought that neighboring populations either anterior of posterior to the ablated cells might compensate. Instead these cells would not change their fate to become a neighboring segment's neural crest. What happens is that VENTRAL neural tube cells from the segment of ablation regulate to become neural crest to fill in for the lost NC! I think this says something quite important about the degree of segmentation in the embryo and the borders/identities defined by these segments. Migration of cranial NC: movie Trunk Neural Crest: Neural crest posterior to the 6th somite pair is considered trunk NC. Trunk crest will not form cartilage or bone, but will form many structures that the cranial NC does. There are some cells, such as adrenal cells that the cranial crest cannot form. Cardiac neural crest: Cardiac NC is a type of cranial NC that arises from r7. It will travel to the heart where it forms structures associated with the separation of the outflow tract (conus arteriosus) such as the aortic and pulmonary trunk endothelium. It also plays an important role in the separation of these vessels. Parts of the coronary arteries are formed from these cells, too.