Journal Publications


Buckley L.B. and Jetz W. 2009. Lizard community structure along elevation gradients. Journal of Animal Ecology. link.

Buckley L.J. and Buckley L.B. 2009. Toward linking ocean models to fish population dynamics. Progress in Oceanography doi: 10.1016/j.pocean.2009.09.009.


Buckley L.B. and Jetz W. 2008. Linking global turnover of species and environments. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 105:17836-17841. pdf.

Buckley L.B., Rodda G.H., and Jetz W. 2008. Thermal and energetic constraints on ectotherm abundance: a global test using lizards. Ecology 89:48-55. pdf.

Buckley L.B. 2008. Linking traits to energetics and population dynamics to predict lizard ranges in changing environments. American Naturalist 171: E1-E19. pdf.


Buckley L.B. and Jetz W. 2007. Insularity and the determinants of lizard population density. Ecology Letters 10: 481-48. pdf.

Buckley L.B. and Jetz W. 2007. Environmental and historical constraints on global patterns of amphibian richness. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 274: 1167-1173. pdf.


Buckley L. B. and Roughgarden J. 2006. Climate, competition, and the coexistence of island lizards. Functional Ecology 20: 315-322. pdf.

Buckley L. B. and Roughgarden J. 2006. A hump-shaped density-island area relationship for island lizards. Oikos 113: 243-250. pdf.


Buckley L. B. and Roughgarden J. 2005. Effects of species interactions on landscape abundance patterns. Journal of Animal Ecology 74:1182-1194. pdf. (JAE highlighted article)

Buckley L. B. and Roughgarden J. 2005. Lizard habitat partitioning on islands: the interaction of local and landscape scales. Journal of Biogeography 32: 2113-2121. pdf. (cover article)


Buckley L. B. and Roughgarden J. 2004. Biodiversity conservation: effects of changes in climate and land use. Nature 430: 1 (doi: 10.1038/nature02717). pdf.


News Coverage

of lizard density on islands article:
Science Daily. pdf. | Conservation Magazine. pdf. | United Press International. pdf.