many protocols for tubulin preparation are available, the procedure
described below is the simplest and highest yielding preparation I
have done. The protocol calls for 3 pig brains, and should yield
~ 60 mg of purified tubulin.
Solutions and reagents:
100g P-11 cellulose phosphate fibrous cation exchanger (Whatman Inc,
Clifton NJ) 6L 0.1M HCl 6L 0.1 M NaOH 2L 0.1 M MgSO4
2L 10x Column Buffer ~10 L 1x column buffer 10 M NaOH 3 fresh
(<3 hrs after slaughter) pig brains 300 ml Homogenization buffer
(freshly prepared) 1L PM buffer 100 mM MgATP 1L PMG Buffer 100 mM
MgGTP 1M dithiothreitol (DTT) Glutamic acid, sodium salt
Waring Blender Temperature controlled ultracentrifuge (Beckman L7-55)
with the equivalent of a Beckman 50.2Ti rotor At least 24 31.5 ml
thick-walled polycarbonate ultracentrifuge tubes (Beckman # 336091)
with screw caps (Beckman # 338906) 37oC water bath 30 ml Dounce
"A" glass homogenizer 2L scintered glass filter funnel and
2L sidearm Erlenmeyer flask Amicon (Danvers, MA) 44 mm x250 mm #95240
or equivalent adjustable volume column for low pressure liquid chromatography
Peristaltic pump Fraction collector UV monitor or Bradford reagent
DAY 1: Preparation of the phosphocellulose column.
- Weigh out 90 g of Whatman
P-11 phosphocellulose and add it to 2 L of 0.1 M NaOH in a 4 L
beaker while mixing VERY gently with a glass rod. Mix the
suspension gently with the rod for 5 minutes, then allow the solid
to settle for 20 min. Aspirate off excess solution, and
transfer the remaining phosphocellulose slurry to a 2L scintered
glass funnel on a 2L sidearm Erlenmeyer flask that is connected
to a vacuum line. Carefully vacuum filter the remaining
0.1 M NaOH from the phosphocellulose, BUT NEVER ALLOW THE RESIN
- Gently scrape the phosphocellulose
out of the funnel, and return it to the 4 L beaker, add 2 L of
0.1 M NaOH, mix gently for 5 min, and check the pH with pH indicator
Repeat the mixing settling, aspiration, and filtering of the
resin as in step 1. If the pH of the slurry was not above 12,
transfer the phosphocellulose to the 4 L beaker, add 2 L of 0.1M
NaOH, and repeat the mixing, settling, aspiration, and filtering
treatment as in step 1, leaving the wet phosphocellulose in the
- Rinse 4 L of distilled
water through the phosphocellulose by vacuum filtration, again,
never letting the resin run dry.
- Transfer the phosphocellulose
from the funnel to the 4 L beaker and add 2 L 0.1 M HCl.
Mix gently, allow the resin to settle, aspirate off excess solution,
and vacuum filter the resin as in step 1.
Repeat the 0.1 M HCl treatment cycle until the pH of the phosphocellulose
slurry is below 3.
- Rinse the phosphocellulose
with 4 L of distilled water by vacuum filtration.
- Transfer the phosphocellulose
resin to the 4 L beaker and add 2 L of 0.1 M MgSO4.
Mix, settle, aspirate, and vacuum filter as in step 1.
- Transfer the phosphocellulose
resin to the 4 L beaker, add 2 L of 10 x column buffer.
Mix gently for 10-15 min, allow the resin to settle, aspirate
excess column buffer off, and vacuum filter.
- Transfer the resin to
the 4 L beaker, add 2 L of 1x column buffer, mix gently for 5
min, check the pH of the slurry with a pH meter, and adjust it
to 6.6 with 10 M NaOH. Allow the resin to settle, aspirate
excess buffer, and vacuum filter it.
Repeat the 1x column buffer treatment cycle, adjusting the
pH of the slurry each time to 6.6 with 10M NaOH, until the
pH of the slurry is 6.6 without adjustment after resuspension
and mixing. Allow the resin to settle for 20 min, aspirate
off buffer until the settled resin:buffer ratio is 3:1 (vol:vol).
- Pour the column.
Mix the resin gently until it is evenly suspended in the buffer,
then rapidly pour the slurry into an empty 44 mm x 250 mm liquid
chromatography column (clamped to a support in the cold room)
to fill it to the top. Cover the column with parafilm, and
allow the resin to settle for several hours.
- Fill the column adjuster
plunger with column buffer, and VERY slowly insert it into the
column, being very careful not to disturb the phosphocellulose
resin. As the adjuster plunger is inserted into the column,
the column inlet tubing that is attached to the plunger should
be immersed in a 4L reservoir of column buffer, and should expel
all air bubbles as the adjuster plunger is inserted.
Tighten and seal the adjuster plunger fittings, leaving the inlet
tube in the buffer reservoir.
- Attach the outlet tubing
to the peristaltic pump, and set the pump to run at 0.25 ml/min
to allow the column to pack properly for the next ~48hrs
while MT protein is prepared.
A well-packed phosphocellulose column should be perfectly even
in color with no evidence of "cracks" in the resin.
The better the phosphocellulose column is packed, the more concentrated
the peak of elution of tubulin protein.
DAY 2: Cycling preparation of MT protein.
- Keep the brains in an
evacuated plastic ziplock bag buried in ice from the time of slaughter
during transport back to the laboratory.
- In a 4oC cold room, carefully
and thoroughly remove the meninges and any blood-red tissue from
the surface, stem, and within the folds of each brain.
Do this by both picking tissue away by hand and wiping with
kimwipes. The dry wipe will stick to the meninges, peeling
away the deep red membrane from the pinkish grey nervous tissue
underneath as the wipe is gently drawn across the surface of the
- Cut the cleaned brains
into 2-3 cm2 cubes and weigh the tissue. Transfer the tissue
to a Waring blender and add 0.5 ml/g freshly prepared Homogenization
Buffer containing 1mM MgATP.
- Homogenize the tissue
by blending 5 s on high speed and then 45 s on low speed.
This should result in a suspension with the color and consistency
of a strawberry milkshake.
- Using a 50 ml serological
pipette with 1/3 of the tip cut off and a pipette bulb with strong
suction, transfer the brain homogenate to several 31.5 ml polycarbonate
ultracentrifuge tubes, note the homogenate volume, and pair the
tubes by weight (to 0.01 g).
Discard any extra homogenate that does not fit into a full
rotor of centrifuge tubes. Tubulin is sensitive to proteases
and easily denatured, and keeping extra homogenate for one hour
during the following centrifugation step does not significantly
increase the final yield.
- Centrifuge the homogenate
at 100,000 x g (29,000 rpm) for 60 min at 4oC in a 50.2Ti rotor
to remove undisrupted tissue from cell cytosol.
- At room temperature, carefully
collect the cytosolic supernatants from the tubes with a pipette,
pool them in a graduated cylinder, dilute the total 1:1 with PMG,
and add MgGTP to 0.2 mM to promote MT polymerization.
Disburse into 31.5 ml ultracentrifuge tubes and pair them by weight.
- Immerse the portion of
the tubes containing the cytosol in a 37oC water bath and allow
MT protein to polymerize into MTs by incubating for 45 minutes.
During this polymerization incubation, warm the ultracentrifuge
and 50.2Ti rotor to 25oC.
- Pellet MTs from the cytosol
by centrifugation at 100,000 x g (29,000 rpm) for 45 min at 25oC
in a 50.2Ti rotor.
- In the cold room, discard
the supernatant and resuspend the MT pellet in 1/5 the volume
of homogenate in PM buffer containing 0.2 mM GTP.
To do this, put a few mls of resuspension buffer into each
centrifuge tube, as well as into a small glass Dounce homogenizer
(on ice). Scrape out the sticky pellets with a round-ended
weighing spatula and transfer them into the buffer in the homogenizer.
Resuspend any pellet remaining in the ultracentrifuge tubes by
trituration, and transfer it to the homogenizer. Homogenize
the pellets by 5-10 passes with a type "A" pestle.
Disburse the resuspended MTs into 31.5 ml ultracentrifuge tubes
and pair them by weight.
- Incubate the resuspended
MTs on ice for 30 minutes with gentle mixing every 5 min to allow
for MT depolymerization.
During this time chill the ultracentrifuge and 50.2Ti rotor
to 4oC.
- Clarify the MT protein
by centrifugation at 100,000 x g (29,000) rpm for 45 min at 4oC
in a 50.2Ti rotor.
- At room temperature, collect
the supernatant containing the MT protein, dilute it 1:1 with
PMG, add GTP to 0.2 mM, disburse it into 31.5 ml centrifuge tubes,
and pair them by weight.
- Immerse the portion of
the tubes containing the MT protein solution in a 37oC water bath
and allow MTs to polymerize by incubation for 45 min.
During the incubation, warm the ultracenrtifuge and 50.2Ti
rotor to 25oC.
- Pellet the MTs from polymerization-incompetent
tubulin by centrifugation at 100,000 x g (29,000 rpm) for 45 min
at 25oC in a 50.2Ti rotor.
- In the cold room, discard
the supernatant. Add 1ml of column buffer containing 0.5
mM GTP to each tube, and being careful that the buffer is covering
the pellet, immerse the ultracentrifuge tubes into liquid nitrogen
to freeze the pellets.
Store the tubes at -80oC until the next day or whenever phosphocellulose
column purification of tubulin is to be carried out.
DAY 3: Phosphocellulose column purification of tubulin from
MT protein
- Chill ultracentrifuge
and 50.2Ti rotor to 4oC.
- Prepare and equilibrate
the phosphocellulose column with column buffer containing 0.5
mM GTP and 1mM DTT.
Turn off the peristaltic pump, and if the resin bed has settled,
carefully loosen the seals on the adjuster plunger, slowly insert
the adjuster plunger further until it barely touches the top of
the resin, and retighten the seals. Switch the inlet tube
from the reservoir of 1x column buffer to a 1L reservoir of 1x
column buffer containing 0.5 mM MgGTP and 1 mM DTT, being careful
not to introduce any bubbles into the inlet tube. Turn the
peristaltic pump back on and adjust the speed to 1.8 ml/min.
Allow at least 300 ml of buffer to be drawn through the column
before loading the MT protein. During the phosphocellulose column
equilibration, perform steps 3 and 4 below.
- Thaw the MT pellets by
immersing the ultracentrifuge tubes in a 37oC water bath until
the pellets turn from chalky white to completely translucent white.
As soon as the pellets are thawed, place the tubes on ice immediately
and take them into the cold room.
- Resuspend the pellets
on ice with a Dounce glass homogenizer and type "A"
pestle (as in step 10 of preparation of MT protein above) in ~3x
their volume of 1x column buffer containing 0.2 mM GTP.
Transfer the resuspended MTs to a 31.5 ml ultracentrifuge tube.
Allow the MTs to depolymerize by incubation with gentle mixing
every 5 min on ice for 30 min.
- Clarify the MT protein
by centrifugation at 100,000 x g (29,000 rpm) for 45 min at 4oC
in a 50.2Ti rotor.
- In the cold room, collect
the clarified MT protein supernatant and add MgGTP to a final
concentration of 0.5 mM (an additional 0.3 mM) and DTT to 1mM.
- After column equilibration,
switch the column inlet tube from the buffer reservoir to the
clarified MT protein. Load the MT protein onto the column at 1.8
ml/min. When all of the MT protein is loaded, switch the
inlet back to the buffer reservoir and begin to collect 10 ml
Tubulin will pass through the column and come off after ~100
mls, while MT binding proteins will remain bound to the
phosphocellulose resin.
- Monitor the elution of
tubulin either with the UV monitor by absorption at 280 nm
or by adding 100 ul of each aliquot to 1 ml of freshly prepared
Bradford reagent (Biorad) and looking for blue color. As
each aliquot comes off, add MgGTP to a final concentration of
1 mM (an additional 0.5 mM). Pool fractions containing tubulin
(usually ~100 ml).
- At room temperature, add
0.186 g/ml glutamic acid (sodium salt) to the tubulin solution
and stir slowly until it is dissolved. Disburse the solution
into 31.5 ml ultracentrifuge tubes and pair them by weight.
- Immerse the centrifuge
tubes to the level of the liquid within in a 37oC water bath and
incubate for 30 min to allow MTs to polymerize. During this
time, warm the 50.2Ti rotor and ultracentrifuge to 25oC.
- Isolate the MTs from polymerization-incompetent
tubulin by centrifugation at 100,000 x g for 30 min at 25oC in
a 50.2Ti rotor.
- In the cold room, resuspend
the MT pellets on ice with a Dounce glass homogenizer as above,
in 3x their volume of PM buffer containing 0.5 mM MgGTP.
Incubate the resuspended MTs on ice for 30 min to allow MT depolymerization.
During this time, determine the tubulin concentration by measuring
the absorbance at 280 nm (be sure to blank the spectrophotometer
against the same PM buffer containing 0.5 mM MgGTP) using the
extinction coefficient of tubulin = 115,000 Mol/cm ([tubulin]
= (A280 x dilution factor)/extinction coefficient)). Add
PM buffer containing 0.5 mM MgGTP to adjust the final protein
concentration to 45 uM.
- Disburse into several
1 ml aliquots (stock aliquots) and several 50ul aliquots (to be
used directly in the MT/Organelle motility assays), freeze by
immersion in liquid nitrogen, and store at -80oC until use.
*=As published in...
Waterman-Storer, C.M. (In press) Microtubule/organelle
motility assays. In: Current Protocols in Cell Biology,
J.S. Bonifacino, M. Dasso, J.B. Harford, J. Lippincott-Schwartz,
and K.M. Yamada, eds. John Wiley, NY.