8) Mon. Jan. 27

Mitochondria, Krebs cycle, Chloroplasts, etc.

(still mostly from chapter 6)


Two main methods have evolved for energy coupling:

#1) (Which we learned on Friday)
Enzymes that only allow one reaction on condition that some other reaction also occur at the same time.
One reaction releases more energy that they other reaction absorbs,
so ATP->ADP drives Glucose-> Glucose-Phos.
and Glucose-Phos.--> free phosphate + cellulose
and ATP + GTP + CTP + UTP ---> RNA + free phosphates.

#2) The other method of energy coupling used by living things..
(Which procaryotes evolved, but eucaryotes cannot do!!)
Eucaryotes have "pet" procaryotes in their cytoplasm to do it for them!
Mitochondria and chloroplasts evolved from symbiotic procaryotes!

In this method, energy from some sets of energy-releasing processes
gets used to pump hydrogen ions across certain membranes.
Then ATP is made from ADP,
using the energy of the H+ ions leaking back.
This process is named "chemiosmosis"

(& is somewhat related to osmotic pressure, but not too much)

(This seems like a very odd method, but it is very efficient)

Bacteria use their plasma membranes for this purpose
(the plasma membrane = membrane around the outside of the cell).
They pump hydrogen ions outward & let them leak back inward.
Some kinds of bacteria use sodium ions, instead of H+.

Mitochondria use the inner of their two membranes,
and also pump hydrogen ions outward, & make ATP etc.
The outer membrane of mitochondria is equivalent to the vacuole membrane surrounding a bacterium that had been "eaten" by an animal cell; and the inner membrane of mitochondria is equivalent to the plasma membrane of the original bacteria.

A few one-celled animals just don't have mitochondria:
One of these is a rare kind of amoeba that uses actual bacteria instead (in little vacuoles) as if it were starting over in evolution!!

Chloroplasts have 3 sets of membranes, and use the inner-most of the 3 to pump hydrogen ions INWARD across; so these ions leak back out, and drive the ATP synthase on their way back outward.

NOTE: Many scientists call hydrogen ions "protons", because a lone hydrogen without an electron would indeed be a proton.
Really, hydrogen ions are more like H3O+ or H5O3+ or H9O4+,
i.e. groups of water molecules with one more hydrogen than would be twice as many hydrogens as oxygens.
Only very metaphorically are these ions "protons",
but that's what everybody says & writes (even Prof. Salmon!)
My advice is not to argue with them about it; they are misguided.
Just don't visualize gradients of sub-atomic particles in cyclotrons!

In mitochondria, these H+ gradients are generated by energy from those other energy carrying chemicals NADH and FADH2.
Which makes mitochondria sort of like money changing machines:
"Can you give me 3 ATPs for an NADH?" Sure...
" What about giving me 2 ATPs for an FADH2?"
      ( those are the exchange rates)

Incidentally, back in the 1960s a major argument against the chemiosmosis theory was that the NADH exchange rate was
supposed to be EXACTLY 3.000 ("stoichiometrically")
and the NADH2 exchange rate exactly 2.0000 etc., exactly.

But really, these rates are only approximate!!
When people thought that the coupling was directly by enzymes,
they assumed the exchange rates had to be exact integers.
So when people measured the rates, they GOT integers! (by golly!)
The real rates are quite close to 3 and 2, but vary with conditions.

Mitochondrial membrane proteins lets NADH become NAD
and use the energy to pump H+ ions out.
(But NOT actually the H from the NAD, contrary to what any sane person would expect! It's a coincidence that both reactions use H)

The H+ ions then leak back, driving ROTATION of an enzyme named ATP Synthase, that makes ATP from ADP + P as it spins!

By the way, this rotation was proven by Japanese experiments in which fluorescent actin assembled into fibers long enough to see by DIC microscopy, & the fibers rotated like a second hand on a clock!

Animal cells get their energy from oxidizing sugars and fats (mostly)
Some energy can be gotten from chemical breakdowns of sugars
that do NOT require oxygen gas, and occur without mitochondria.
These reactions are called "Fermentation", and are the much the same as yeast use to convert sugar to ethyl alcohol. Actually, there are many other kinds of fermentation, that produce many small chemicals. In human tissues, fermentation produces lactic acid.
but this yields only a small amount of energy. 2 ATPs & 2NADHs

Much more energy can be gotten from oxidation of the lactic acid in chemical reactions that occur in mitochondria.

These chemical reactions are collectively called "the Krebs Cycle"
named after the German (refugee to UK from Nazis) Hans Krebs.

These reactions take acetic acid (in the form of acetyl CoenzymeA)
and oxidize it all the way to water and carbon dioxide.
(the acetic acid is from fermentation of sugars,
or can also be from breakdown of fatty acids (2 carbons at a time!)

Acetic acid is a two-carbon chemical;
in the Krebs cycle, this 2C chemical bonds to a certain 4-C chemical
(oxaloacetate - But don't memorize this chemical name!)
The result is formation of a certain 6-Carbon chemical!
2 + 4 = 6 this 6-C chemical is citric acid
(and another name for the Krebs Cycle is the citric acid cycle)

Other enzymes then oxidize citric acid a little bit,
with one carbon dioxide being released and an NADH being reduced
that gives a 5-carbon chemical (alpha-keto-glutaric acid) 6 - 1 = 5

Next, further oxidation results in release of another CO2
with reduction of another NADH
(= conversion of an NAD to its high energy form =NADH)
and also a GDP->GTP, which can transfer its energy to an ATP.
5 - 1 = 4, so now we are back down to a 4-Carbon chemical
(which happens to be succinic acid; but don't memorize that)
This gets oxidized a little more, with reduction of another NAD
and also reduction of an FAD to FADH2
and the product of these further oxidations is Oxaloacetic Acid
(which really ought to be called alpha-keto-succinic acid, anyway)

Next, further oxidation results in release of another CO2
with reduction of another NADH
(= conversion of an NAD to its high energy form =NADH)
and also a GDP->GTP, which can transfer its energy to an ATP.
5 - 1 = 4, so now we are back down to a 4-Carbon chemical
(which happens to be succinic acid; but don't memorize that)
This gets oxidized a little more, with reduction of another NAD
and also reduction of an FAD to FADH2
and the product of these further oxidations is Oxaloacetic Acid
(which really ought to be called alpha-keto-succinic acid, anyway)
which is the same as the 4-Carbon chemical that the Acetic acid got bound to in the first part of the cycle.

So this happens over and over
     4C + 2C -> 6C
          6C - CO2 -> 5C
               5C - CO2 -> 4C
                    repeat over and over.........

What did Krebs himself actually discover, and how?

Before Krebs, lots of other researchers had isolated all the enzymes needed to oxidize acetic acid to carbon dioxide.
But sometimes the mixture of enzymes would produce this result;
and other times the reactions just wouldn't go.

Other researchers then found that the reactions could be made to go
by adding either succinic acid, or adding citric acid, or other chemicals

Because adding them would allow the reactions to go forever,
and these chemicals didn't get used up, people thought that they must be acting as "co-enzymes".

Krebs figured out the real explanation.

Questions that you should be able to answer:

1) What are the two main kinds of energy coupling?

2) Why does one of them require intact membrane sacks?

3) What was my joke about nearly all eucaryotes having "pet" procaryotes in their cytoplasm? Why do plants have 2 kinds?

4) Which membrane of mitochondria is equivalent to the plasma membrane of its procaryote ancestor?

5) Across which membranes do chloroplasts pump hydrogen ions?

**6) In what sense can one call hydrogen ions "protons"?
Do individual protons actually get pumped by cells, etc.?

7) What is meant by chemiosmosis? Which 3 kinds of membranes have chemiosmotic coupling of ATP synthesis?

*8) Figure out some of the kinds of experimental observations that supported the chemiosmosis theory? hint: changes in acidity around isolated mitochondria; failure to make ATP in mitochondria etc. whose membranes had been broken; what else?

*9) As mentioned in a previous lecture, bacterial "flagella" are stiff coils that rotate (instead of bending because of dynein etc.).
It turned out that this rotation is NOT driven by ATP, but by diffusion of Hydrogen ions through the bacterial plasma membrane!
Suggest how this fact helped guide researchers toward understanding ATP synthase!

10) How many sets of membranes do chloroplasts have (like Russian dolls, one inside the next)? Which of these contains the ATP synthase?

**11) Can you invent any possible reasons why chloroplast chemiosmosis uses different membranes than the mitochondrial form? (hint: think about changes in cytoplasmic acidity)

12) How are NADH and FADH2 related to chemiosmosis?

**13) Why did it seem to disprove chemiosmotic coupling that the ratio of ATPs made to NADHs oxidized seemed to be exactly 3?

14) What was the eventual solution to this apparent "disproof"?

15) What is meant by fermentation?

16) Name at least two alternative chemicals sometimes produced by fermentation. (**If you want meat to taste like yogurt, what should be done to the cow just before slaughter?)

17) Which captures more chemical energy: fermentation or the oxidation of fermentation products by mitochondria?

18) Would you expect that yeasts or other organisms could survive if they somehow lost all their mitochondria, or the mitochondria stopped functioning?

19) How would your answer to the preceding question be related to whether the organism in question can survive without oxygen?

20) What's another name for the citric acid cycle?

*21) Was it named in honor of Sir Hans Citric-Acid?

22) Two carbons plus four carbons equals how many carbons?

**23) Six carbons minus CO2 equals one NADH plus what?

***24) Can you figure out why release of the second carbon in the Krebs cycle results in GDP -> GTP, instead of ADP->ATP? I can't!

25) Why will the Krebs cycle not work without starting with at least some of the chemical intermediates, like citric acid or succinic acid, even if all the enzymes are present and there is plenty of acetic acid?

26) How can adding some of these chemicals speed up the reaction, more or less permanently, until the acetic acid runs out? hint: are these chemicals really acting as co-enzymes enzymes?

*27) Could these reactions go if there were no NAD, FAD and GDP? **What about if there were no coenzymeA?

**28) At the time of Krebs' breakthrough idea, radioactive carbon and other tracers were not yet available (as they would be after the war thanks to certain other refugees from Germany); but if C14 labeling HAD been possible, can you figure out how they could have been used to test whether succinic acid etc. were themselves being oxidized, in contrast to acting as coenzymes?

**29) For those who know some Organic Chemistry: Can you see why oxaloacetic acid either ought to be called alpha-keto-succinic acid, or alternatively alpha-keto-glutaric acid ought to be called propionoacetic acid? Just to be consistent! And what might have been be called alpha-hydroxy-beta-carboxy-glutarate?

*30) Drawing chemical structures, imagine the sequence of chemicals by which acetate could have been directly oxidized all the way to carbon dioxide and water (if it were done directly, instead of by binding the acetates to a 4-carbon compound.

**31) Another one for the Organic Chemistry fanatics: What similarities can you find between aldol condensations, or any other common organic reactions, and the reactions of the Krebs cycle?

*32) If a given species of bacterium normally lives in environments with low acidity, or in which the acidity varies with location, then why would it be better off to use sodium ions for chemiosmotic synthesis of ATP?

33) Suppose a certain kind of bacterium lives along the boundary between an environment having a high acidity, and one having a low acidity: if these bacteria can swim back and forth, then how could they use the acidity difference as an energy source in making ATP?

*34) If you look at a periodic table of the elements, you will see that arsenic is right below phosphorous. In fact, these elements form rather similar ions, with arsenate being very similar to phosphate.
Can you figure out why arsenate is so poisonous?

35) Suppose that an enzyme uses energy from ATP to drive polymerization of some monomers X to form XXXXXX:
Why would transfers of phosphates from ATP to form Xphosphate probably be part of the polymerization mechanism?

36) Why would it harm a cell to contain an enzyme that can catalyse release of phosphate from this X, even when not forming XXX polymer?

*37) If mitochondria were deprived of either phosphate ions or of Adenosine monophosphate, then why might their internal acidity become much lower than usual?

*38) Suppose that the ratio of concentrations of ATP to ADP in the cytoplasm of a cell became much lower than usual, how might that be related to differences in acidity between the inside of mitochondria and the surrounding cytoplasm?

*39) Dinitrophenol is a poison that can bind reversibly to hydrogen ions and can diffuse through membranes whether or not it is currently bound to a hydrogen ions; in the 1930s, it was sometimes prescribed by physicians to patients who were trying to lose weight, but didn't want to exercise. It was very effective for this purpose, but sometimes fatal. Can you figure out how it works?

**40) Newborn babies and some kinds of animals that need to keep warm have special "brown fat" cells, within which the mitochondria have unusually permeable inner membranes: can you figure out how these cells produce rapid heating, without shivering?




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