The forces that position a mitotic spindle asymmetrically are tethered until after the time of spindle assembly

Movies from Labbé, J.-C., E. McCarthy and B. Goldstein (2004), Journal of Cell Biology 167:245-256

Optically-induced centrosome disruption

An embryo imaged by Nomarski microscopy was laser irradiated at a centrosome (place of irradiation is marked by an X at the midpoint of the irradiation period). The same embryo was fixed and stained for microtubules, and a confocal projection of the microtubules was overlain at the end of the video. The centrosome on the irradiated side has fragmented, and few, short microtubules remain on this side. (by Jean-Claude Labbé)

Chromosome segregation occurs without significant poleward flux in C. elegans

Time-lapse images of an embryo expressing ß-tubulin::GFP in which a short region of anterior spindle microtubules were photobleached at anaphase onset. Spindle movements were stailized in this movie by rotationally aligning the spindle in each frame and recentering the aligned spindle on the chromosomes nearer the photobleached region. The photobleached region on spindle microtubules remains at a constant distance from the spindle pole as it follows the spindle pole, revealing that chromosome segregation occurs without significant poleward flux of microtubules. Frames were acquired at seven second intervals. (by Erin McCarthy)

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