Michail Iakovidis

Email Michail


2001-2005            BSc in Agricultural Technology.  Specialization in Crop production and Arboriculture. Technological Institute of Western Macedonia, Branch of Florina, Greece.

2005-2006            MSc in Plant breeding and Biotechnology. University of East Anglia and John Innes Centre, Norwich, UK.

2006-2011            PhD in Molecular Plant Pathology. University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK. Thesis: “The genetic complexity of Cladosporium fulvum ECP5 perception in tomato species”. Advisor: Dr Colwyn Thomas.


Project Description:

Identification of Pseudomonas syringae HopAM1 targets in Arabidopsis involved in PTI and ETI.



Soumpourou E*, Iakovidis M*, Chartrain L, Lyal V and Thomas CM (2007) The Solanum pimpinellifolium Cf-ECP1 and Cf-ECP4 genes for resistance to Cladosporium fulvum are located at the Milky Way locus on the short arm of chromosome 1. Theoretical & Applied Genetics, 115: 1127–1136. (*Joint first authors)


                 Anderson E*, Iakovidis M* and Thomas CM The Solanum lycopersicum Cf-11 and Cf-3 genes for resistance to Cladosporium fulvum are linked on chromosome 11. In preparation. (*Joint first authors)


                 Iakovidis M, Soumpourou E, Etherington G and Thomas CM. Genes that recognise the Cladosporium fulvum Ecp5 effector map to at least three distinct genetic loci in the tomato genome. In preparation.