Position Frequency Matrices

Twine can display matches to Position Frequency Matrices (also Position Count Matrices,
which are automatically converted). Twine does not currently add pseudo-counts, it just handles Divide-By-Zero issues.
Twine uses horizontal matrices (Each row represents the counts of A,C,G,T, while each column has the counts for that nucleotide position). Vertical matrices can be rotated to horizontal by clicking the "Rotate Matrix" button. Only numbers, white-space delimited, should be entered.

Position Count Matrix

After the matrix has been entered, verify that Twine recognizes it as the proper format, by clicking the "Verify matrix" button.
In addition to verifying that the matrix is in the proper format, converting a Count Matrix to a Frequency Matrix,
and generating a Sequence Logo representation of the matrix,
"Verify matrix" calculates the Maximum (most stringent) and Minimum (least stringent) possible score of the matrix.
The scores are the product of the frequencies observed at each position in true binding sites,
so the scores would be between 0 (worst) and 1 (best).
However, because most scores will be very small, they are expressed in negative natural logarithm,
so 0 is the best possible score (because ln(0)=1, but most matrices will not have a zero score possible).
A threshold can be specified within these bounds to cutoff matches that are too weak.
Twine currently does not implement log-odds ratios as the scoring mechanism (dividing each frequency
by the background frequency of that nucleotide), but Twine does calculate the matrix score that would
be equivalent of a log-odds score of 0, which is a sequence that is as likely to appear in a real binding site
as it is to appear in random background sequence (with equiprobable nucleotides).

Position Frequency Matrix

Match strength is displayed by opacity, which is defined by the alpha component of RGB color.
The minimum opacity of displayed matches can be controlled by altering the alpha component,
either when inputting the motif, or in the Motif Settings panel.

In the PFM Motif Settings panel, a slider allows dynamic testing of thresholds,
so you can play with the score that seems to give a meaningful compromise between stringency and specificity.
The upper threshold defines the worst match score that will be completely opaque,
and the lower threshold defines the worst match score that will be drawn at all.
The red bar between the two sliders displays the gradient of opacity for matches between these two thresholds.
For this Twist binding matrix,

PFM settings

Which results in a display of matches like this:
binary sequence overview

However, setting the upper threshold to the strongest binding site in your sequences (empirically determined),
and setting the lower threshold to some weaker score (the score equivalent to a log-odds of 0, for example),
Will generate a gradient of opacity, as seen by the graded red bar between the sliders.
dynamic pfm settings

This results in matches being displayed like this:
twist dynamic overview
Stronger matches are opaque, weak matches are more transparent, and conserved matches are boxed.

Examples (matrix from Fly Factor Survey, from Solexa Sequencing of Zelda/Vielfaltig data):
A Position Count Matrix, which will be converted to a Frequency Matrix by Twine (screenshot here):
110    149    144    116    54    7    756    0    1    4    756    76    145    140    169
150    123    119    212    0    749    1    0    0    0    5    75    203    227    99
196    254    234    237    478    0    1    731    750    3    0    566    230    167    277
229    235    264    196    229    5    3    30    10    754    0    44    183    217    160

A Position-Specific Probability Matrix (or Position Frequency Matrix, screenshot here):
0.161    0.196    0.189    0.152    0.071    0.009    0.993    0    0.001    0.005    0.993    0.1    0.191    0.186    0.24
0.219    0.162    0.156    0.279    0    0.984    0.001    0    0    0    0.007    0.099    0.267    0.302    0.14
0.286    0.334    0.307    0.311    0.628    0    0.001    0.961    0.986    0.004    0    0.744    0.302    0.222    0.393
0.334    0.309    0.347    0.258    0.301    0.007    0.004    0.039    0.013    0.991    0    0.058    0.24    0.289    0.227

Several databases have thousands DNA binding protein matrices, including Jaspar, Transfac, and Fly Factor Survey.
The default set of plugins includes a program that will convert Jaspar-type horizontal count matrices (also compatible with Fly Factor Survey) into Twine Motif Library files.