Twine Features

Enhancer analysis is as much an art as a science. Multiple sequence alignments attempt to represent an accurate summary of the evolutionary
relationship between sequences, but ambiguities about positioning inevitably lead to mis-aligned sequences. Automated alignments make objective
judgments about the "optimal" placement of gaps, but additional knowledge, such as binding sites for known regulators, can reveal mistakes.
Similarly, choosing the right set of motifs for DNA-binding proteins such as transcription factors, with the proper consensus sequences and thresholds
for mismatches from the optimal sequence, is a trial-and-error process. Twine is designed to allow experimentation of stringency thresholds and the
set of motifs to consider, as well as the accuracy and completeness of the alignment, by supporting dynamic adjustments of threshold parameters.
Both consensus sequences and matrices are supported for motifs, so data from multiple sources can be incorporated.