IUPAC motifs

Twine can use consensus binding sites to identify matches, listed as one or more strings with the following letters:
R (A or G)
Y (C or T)
S (C or G)
W (A or T)
K (G or T)
M (A or C)
B (C, G, or T)
D (A, G, or T)
H (A, C, or T)
V (A, C, or G)
N (A, C, G, or T).

Initially, the number of mismatches allowed, and the color can be specified.

IUPAC motif

After the motif has been entered, settings to adjust the stringency can be adjusted in the settings panel:

IUPAC settings panel

You can add or remove consensus sequences here, and increase the number of mismatches allowed.

Because alignments are often not perfect, matches in orthologs may not be aligned to the reference sequence,
so these matches wouldn't be identified as "conserved." Increasing the "Drift" will allow species matches within
the specified "window" to be considered as part of a linearly conserved segment.

Selecting "Conserved Matches Only" will filter all matches so that only the set of matches that pass conservation criteria
(conservation threshold and "drift") will be displayed.