PLOT METADATA Dataset Identity: map plot #91, Gate 24 Dataset Description: Reference: Current area: 5250 sq. m Previous area(s): Phase 0: area=3200 sq. m established in year 1984, Phase 1: area=5250 sq. m established in year 1991 Dimensions: 70 m (X) x 75 m (Y) Geo-coordinates of plot corners: n/a Geo-coordinate precision: Plot X,Y units:dm Composition:Upland Hardwoods and Pinus taeda Plot notes: Minimum stem size:1.0 cm DBH Maximum stem size:n/a Description of recording protocol: Land owner: Principal investigators: Data collectors: Dates of observation:1984 (519 stems) 1986 (527 stems) 1991 (815 stems) 1998 (788 stems) Latest Update:1998 Copyright restrictions: Proprietary restrictions: STEM RECORD METADATA PlotNumber: Plot number plotStemID: Stem ID that is unique only within the plot ClonePlotStemID: Unique PlotStemID of parent stem of a clone (usually the first measured) This does NOT reference globalStemID Phase: Code for when location occupied by stem first added to plot: 0=original plot, 1=added in first expansion, 2=second expansion, etc. Transect: Transect on which the stem was observed. PSP and mapped tree plots have transects that are contiguous, seedling and sapling plots have discontiguous transects. Column: For some very large plots, a system of subplots were organized in columns and rows was used to facilitate data collection. This is the column number, if applicable. Row: For some very large plots, a system of subplots were organized in columns and rows was used to facilitate data collection. This is the row number, if applicable. X: X coordinate of the stem. Y: Y coordinate of the stem. SpeciesCode: 4-letter species code for the species of the stem. These code are translated into scientific names in another export. ScientificName: Full scientific name of the species stemNotes: Any notes about the particular stem, or data errors that cannot be resolved immediately. Year: Year the stem was observed in yearly data. conditionCode: 1 = alive and reasonably intact, 2 = dead (confirmed as such by the presence of a dead stem), 3 = missing (presumed dead, but no stem could be found for verification), 4 die back to below breast height (a marginal note was usually made indicating the possible cause of damage), 5 cut (sawed down by humans), 6 Damage from Hurricane (see special hurricane fields), Missing value = not a tree or not observed. Diameter: Diameter at breast height (1.37m above ground level), in cm heightClass: height: Height of the tree, in meters hurricane1_uproot: Uprooting status (1 = OK, 2 = partial uproot, 3 = complete uproot) hurricane2_breakage: Breakage (1 = less than 10% canopy loss, 2 = 10-35% canopy loss, 3 = 35-90% canopy loss, 4 = more than 90% canopy loss) hurricane3_leaning: Leaning (1 = OK, 2 = leaning free, with lean over 10%, 3 = supported by another tree, 4 = down (on ground) hurricane4_leanedon: Leaned on (1 = free, 2 = upright, supporting a tree ( DBH >30% size of host), 3 = bent or leaning (crown displaced at least 10%), 4 = pinned downedAzimuth: Azimuth of downed tree trunk yearly_remarks: Notes about the yearly measurement, including data errors that cannot be resolved immediately.