PLOT METADATA Dataset Identity: PSP plot #29P, Dataset Description: Reference: Current area: 810 sq. m Previous area(s): Phase 0: area=810 sq. m Dimensions: 40.2m (Y) x 20.1m (X) Geo-coordinates of plot corners: n/a Geo-coordinate precision: Plot X,Y units:dm Composition: Plot notes: Minimum stem size:1.0 cm DBH Maximum stem size:n/a Description of recording protocol: Land owner: Principal investigators: Data collectors: Dates of observation:1934 (227 stems) 1938 (229 stems) 1940 (224 stems) 1944 (99 stems) 1949 (65 stems) 1954 (47 stems) 1960 (38 stems) 1964 (38 stems) 1978 (198 stems) 1984 (303 stems) 1988 (297 stems) 1992 (272 stems) 1997 (256 stems) 2000 (234 stems) Latest Update:2000 Copyright restrictions: Proprietary restrictions: STEM RECORD METADATA PlotNumber: Plot number Transect: Transect on which the stem was observed. PSP and mapped tree plots have transects that are contiguous, seedling and sapling plots have discontiguous transects. plotStemID: Stem ID that is unique only within the plot ClonePlotStemID: Unique PlotStemID of parent stem of a clone (usually the first measured) This does NOT reference globalStemID Phase: Code for when location occupied by stem first added to plot: 0=original plot, 1=added in first expansion, 2=second expansion, etc. SpeciesCode: 4-letter species code for the species of the stem. These code are translated into scientific names in another export. ScientificName: Full scientific name of the species X: X coordinate of the stem. Y: Y coordinate of the stem. Year: Year the stem was observed in yearly data. crown: clear: conditionCode: 1 = alive and reasonably intact, 2 = dead (confirmed as such by the presence of a dead stem), 3 = missing (presumed dead, but no stem could be found for verification), 4 die back to below breast height (a marginal note was usually made indicating the possible cause of damage), 5 cut (sawed down by humans), 6 Damage from Hurricane (see special hurricane fields), Missing value = not a tree or not observed. Diameter: Diameter at breast height (1.37m above ground level), in cm height: Height of the tree, in meters heightType: hurricane1_uproot: Uprooting status (1 = OK, 2 = partial uproot, 3 = complete uproot) hurricane2_breakage: Breakage (1 = less than 10% canopy loss, 2 = 10-35% canopy loss, 3 = 35-90% canopy loss, 4 = more than 90% canopy loss) hurricane3_leaning: Leaning (1 = OK, 2 = leaning free, with lean over 10%, 3 = supported by another tree, 4 = down (on ground) hurricane4_leanedon: Leaned on (1 = free, 2 = upright, supporting a tree ( DBH >30% size of host), 3 = bent or leaning (crown displaced at least 10%), 4 = pinned downedAzimuth: Azimuth of downed tree trunk yearly_remarks: Notes about the yearly measurement, including data errors that cannot be resolved immediately.